Did You Know?
If you hire just one employee this year, you will have to calculate,
complete and file 18 forms with various state and federal agencies.
That's a lot of paperwork to keep track of, and a lot of desk time
when you could be working for your customers and generating revenue!
Learn More...
In addition to the recordkeeping and filing requirements,
processing your own payroll means staying current with a
myriad of ever-changing rates, limits, rules and regulations
to properly manage your payroll responsibilities. That's
time you could be spending with your employees and clients.
At Maverick Accounting, it's our job to know and manage it
for you. Because we handle payroll every day, we are able to
streamline processing and reporting responsibilities. We have
the experience and tools to do it right, every time.
We calculate the gross and net wages, prepare the paychecks (paper, direct deposit or debit card), prepare the liability remittances and keep you compliant with all the reporting requirements to various local, state and federal agencies.
Contact Us:
PO Box 942, Freeland, WA 98249
(360) 499-4704